samedi 25 septembre 2010

Night Rain

Rain covers me and each
drop makes me free.
Water spreads its veil
over me to protect me.

I feel purified, strong and alive.
The wind makes the trees
swing and the leaves are dancing.

Nature wakes up to carry me away.
Stars are watching down on me.Time stops.
And for a split second I feel like I belong...

mercredi 22 septembre 2010

Will I / Do You

Will I find you?
Will I reach you?
Do you know me?
Do you like me?

Do I want you?
Do I need you?
Will you see me?
Will you trust me?

Will you show me?
Will you leave me?
Do I love you?
Do I hate you?

mercredi 15 septembre 2010

Sans titre



Et écoutes-moi
Ne me juges pas
Mais comprends-moi

vendredi 10 septembre 2010

Sans titre

Pendant longtemps je t'ai cherché.
Et un beau jour je t'ai trouvé.
Nos regards se sont rencontrés.
Et ce jour là, tout a changé.

Je me suis sentie exister.
J'avais une raison d'avancer.
Un territoire à explorer.
Un autre coprs pour me serrer.

Je voulais juste t'appartenir
Et tu étais mon avenir.
J'ai tout fait pour te retenir.
Je ne suis plus qu'un souvenir.

mardi 7 septembre 2010

Without a fight

She looks at you
You let her through

Without a fight

She will love you
And you will too

Without a fight

She was your star
Now you are far

Without a fight

She trusted you
You were untrue

Without a fight

She will forget
Never forgive
You will regret
Never at ease

Never again will she trust anyone
For you broke her always and forever

Never again will you love like you did
For your heart will be empty for ever

lundi 6 septembre 2010

I will be there

When your heart breaks
because pain is all that
you can believe in :

I will be there.

When joy comes to visit you
and your smile lightens
your face :

I will be there.

When loneliness strikes and the
silence becomes too much
to bare :

I will be there.

When anger fulfill
your soul and you want
to disappear from the
world :

I will be there.

Because what links us is greater than words,
greater than love, greater than life.


Cher(e) visiteur(euse),

Bienvenu(e) dans mon monde...Peuplé de jolis mots, d'émotions et de rêves...J'écris et je lis
depuis longtemps, et l'idée de ce blog est de partager ces deux passions.

Merci pour la visite, et n'hésitez pas à commenter.


Dear Visitor,

Welcome to my world...Filled with nice words, emotions and dreams...I have been writing
and reading for a long time, and the idea of this blog is to share these two passions.

Thank you for the visit, and don't hesitate to comment.
